About Us

Nyimili Hire & Contracting was founded by Yinhawangka Traditional Owner Roy Tommy and his family alongside other Aboriginal investors that belong to Palyku, Nyiyaparli, Kariyarra, Banjima, Nyamal, Noongar and Yuet peoples.
Nyimili Hire & Contracting takes its name from Tommy Nyimili who was born in the Nyimili range and was a strong, senior Yinhawangka leader who used the spirit of the land to protect people. Nyimili Hire & Contracting was founded to continue to follow the footsteps of the Tommy Nyimili by having a spirit of independence and looking after the Country. Our services assist us to generate wealth which can be used to support caring for country projects and protecting and preserving cultural knowledge.

Creating value in
the world by following
‘The Nyimili Way’